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What is SRQ Biobank?
SRQ Biobank collects blood samples from patients with rheumatoid arthritis who are included in SRQ. The blood samples are used in research that attempts to predict the onset, course and treatment response in rheumatoid arthritis.
It is currently known that both inheritance and the environment affect the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. These factors are also likely to play an important role in the course of the disease and in how effective different treatments are. Therefore, researchers believe that the treatment and care of patients with rheumatoid arthritis can be improved through a more individual-based approach. In the future, the choice of treatment can be made based on the individual patient’s genetic markers and other blood markers. In the same way, you can avoid certain treatments that give that patient a higher risk of side effects.

The goal of SRQ Biobank is to improve the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, and in the long term also be able to prevent the onset of the disease.
Participation is voluntary
Participation in the biobank is completely voluntary. If you choose to participate in the biobank, you have the right to cancel your participation at any time. Participation in the biobank does not affect the care and treatment you receive for your rheumatic disease.

Participation in the biobank is voluntary, and your treatment is in no way affected by whether you participate or not.
How does the biobank work?
If you agree to participate in the biobank, you will at one point leave three test tubes of blood (a total of about 23 ml of blood). The samples can be taken in connection with a visit to your rheumatologist’s reception. The blood samples are then sent for freezing in a biobank.
The blood samples will, among other things, be used to extract DNA and study the genetic factors behind rheumatoid arthritis. The researchers are also trying to find risk factors or protective factors that can explain the patient’s disease activity, course of the disease and what anti-rheumatic treatment has been tried and how well it has worked. To find out all this, the information from the blood samples is compared with information recorded in SRQ and other data sources.
The laboratories that perform tests on the samples will not know the identity of the sample donor and the samples will be destroyed or returned when they have been used.