Ingen telefontid onsdag och torsdag

Onsdag och torsdag den 22–23 januari har vi ingen telefontid och har längre svarstid på mejl eftersom vi är på konferens. Tisdagen den 21 januari och veckan efter svarar vi på telefon och mejl som vanligt.

Welcome to the Swedish Rheumatology Quality Register


The Swedish Rheumatology Quality Register is a quality register, the purpose of which is to continually improve the treatment and follow-up of patients with rheumatic diseases. Here you can read more about SRQ and log into PER – the Patient’s Self Registration.

Do you have a problem with logging in? Contact your healthcare provider.

What is a quality register?

There are just over 100 national quality registers in Sweden. The quality registers give the healthcare system an opportunity to evaluate the care and make it better. When your information and experiences are given to a quality register you can influence how healthcare looks in the future.


What is SRQ?

The Swedish Rheumatology Quality Register is a national quality register, the purpose of which is to continually improve the treatment and follow-up of patients with rheumatic diseases. Data from SRQ is used in many research projects each year. By using SRQ data the rheumatological health care providers can measure the quality of given care.

SRQ and patient safety

SRQ promotes patient safety by making it easy for healthcare professionals to report side effects through the register. The reports are thereafter handled by the Swedish Medical Products Agency and contribute to a safer drug use.


What is PER?

PER – The Patient’s Self Registration – is a computer service where you answer questions about your health before the healthcare meeting. The questions concern, among other things, level of pain, quality of life and what you can manage in your everyday life.